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What's The 411's Jay Z Concert Tickets Sweepstakes Winners

VIDEO: Jay Z Concert Tickets Winners Are Love and Hip Hop

Kim Randolph Benson and husband Qadir Muhammad are winners of What's The 411TV's Jay Z Concert Tickets Sweepstakes.

This video, part mini-documentary, and part Reality TV, follows the ecstatic couple on their journey to see Jay-Z in concert at the new Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY.

We catch up with Kim and Qadir when the white stretch limousine picks them up at their home in upper Manhattan to take them VIP-style to the Barclays Center. We listen in as they argue about the genesis of rap music and as they reminiscence about their love for Jay-Z, Summer Jam, and setting their son straight about which rapper has the best rap skills.

Married for 20 years, Kim and Qadir credit the longevity of their relationship to taking it one day at a time. However, watching this couple in action, we know that it also has something to do with love and hip hop.

Win A 30-Day Unlimited MetroCard or $100.00 American Express Gift Card!

On Halloween morning, What's The 411 Networks hit the streets of Brooklyn to give away 100 Roundtrip MetroCards, as a Halloween treat!

If you missed the Roundtrip MetroCard Giveaway, now is your opportunity to win a 30-Day Unlimited MetroCard just in time to do your holiday shopping!

Winners outside of New York City will receive a $100.00 American Express Gift Card!

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