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Are African Americans Cultural Appropriators or Survivalists?

VIDEO DISCUSSION: A Conversation About Cultural Appropriation Within the African American Community

Onika: Okay. Hey, what's up! We've seen many articles. This is my kind of a call back from what I was talking about earlier. So, we have seen many articles about black people just being outraged about, cultural appropriation. Like, oh, Kim Kardashian take those braids out, un-pout your lips, take the butt down. So, they’re, you know, up in arms about culture. “Cultural appropriation, it's real, mom.” I have like a whole joke about that because my daughter says that all the time. So, this is my thing. Why do black people have selective outrage over cultural appropriation when we are the ultimate appropriators? It's like, think about what we do. And I know y'all gonna think I've come for your edges because I'm about to talk about weaves, but y'all got weaves.

Kizzy: I don’t have a weave.

Onika: Okay. Cosmetics. Right. Even gels, we’re trying to soften up all the things that are, that are inherently ours. Right. So, we're doing the same thing, right. We're, we're doing the same thing.

Kizzy: It's different. I think it's different because, you know, again, going back to being a minority in a country that for years told you that you are not good enough, that you know, the, the width of your nose was too big, that your hair was too kinky, that your body wasn't right. And then we grew up having to maneuver that. And so, we, we took on those trappings of white culture to fit in better. I think that's very different than now.

Onika: now we got it, right?

Keisha and Kizzy: No

Onika: But we’ve got it enough to say that you're appropriating my culture. You got it enough to say that you've been brainwashed.

Kizzy: It’s very funny that a Kim Kardashian will be celebrated for her body type and cornrows much more than we are doing the exact same thing.

Onika: But guess what, who is celebrating her? We’re supporting them.