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Cecil the Lion Killed by American Poacher

Dr. Walter Palmer, an American poacher, standing over Cecil the Lion, one of Zimbabwe's black mane lions Dr. Walter Palmer, an American poacher, standing over Cecil the Lion, one of Zimbabwe's black mane lions

Murder of Cecil the Lion Raises Many Issues About Priorities

First, black people driving, walking, running, or trying to sell loose cigarettes are in danger of catching a bad one.

Now, the lions?

Buzzfeed and every other news outlet are reporting that Cecil, Zimbabwe's prized black mane lion, got smoked by an American poacher! Who's next? An African just ain't safe around gunpowder!

Now, Cecil's brother, Jericho, is watching the cubs. Jericho, I advise you to file a wrongful death lawsuit!

Although the above rhetoric is stated tongue-in-cheek, the What's The 411 panel is concerned about the slaughter of living animals, particularly those that are in a protected class.

On another note, the public outrage over the murder of Cecil the lion has many black people concerned that juxtaposed to the numerous innocent black people being murdered by police, the murder of animals garner more sympathy than people.