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Domestic Violence Rears Its Ugly Head Upon LaShonda Childs [VIDEO DISCUSSION]

VIDEO DISCUSSION: Cardi B checks in with the authorities, and; Taylor Swift gets out the voter registration


In this episode of What's The 411, journalist Kizzy Cox, and comedian Onika McLean start off the episode with the Quick Takes segment talking about news stories related to Chance the Rapper’s $1 Million donation to the city of Chicago for mental health services; singer/actor, Tyrese, introduces his baby girl; comedian Katt Williams gets arrested for abusing a taxi driver in Portland; actor Damon Wayans takes everyone off guard announcing his departure from Fox’s Lethal Weapon, a class-action lawsuit against LaCroix Sparkling Water regarding independent testing showing the beverage containing unnatural ingredients including roach insecticide; actress Erika Alexander gets a role on the CW’s DC-comics-based Black Lightning Season 2 and she will be playing a therapist with telepathic abilities; the multi-talented Janelle Monae joins the cast of the upcoming film, Harriet, and; rapper and actor, T.I., confesses his infidelity to his wife, Tameka aka Tiny.


he civil lawsuits against Bill Cosby are starting to queue up. Now that Andrea Constand has gotten justice, accuser Judy Huth’s case against Cosby has a trial date. Huth, who accused Cosby of molesting her when she was 15-years-old at the Playboy Mansion, has a hearing in November and a trial date set for December.

Q. Why isn’t Hugh Hefner’s estate, and/or the Playboy Club being sued for having a minor on its premises?


Brett Kavanaugh is now a US Supreme Court judge and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is back home after speaking her truth about a sexual assault by Kavanaugh when she was a teenager.

Q. Does the MeToo Movement have any relevance?


October is Domestic Violence Prevention and Awareness Month. And, unfortunately, domestic violence occurs every day. LaShonda Childs, a 17-year-old Ohio girl, was killed by a 28-year-old ex-boyfriend who would not take no for an answer. The harassment was so bad, LaShonda Childs posted on Facebook, 'I Ain't Even Safe In My Own House,' as he became more violent even after she filed for a protective order.

If you need help with domestic violence, call the National Domestic Violence helpline at 1-800-799-7233


Rapper Cardi B reported to the New York City police after a brawl occurred at a strip club where her husband, Offset's group, Migos, was performing and two women were injured, one was suspected of having an affair with Cardi's husband. Cardi was charged with two misdemeanors, assault, and reckless endangerment, she had a mug shot taken and was fingerprinted, according to TMZ.


Pop singer Taylor Swift, who has shied away from being vocal about politics and civic action, decided to step out front and center. She informed her fellow Tennesseans on social media how to register to vote, which sparked record numbers of new voter registrations.

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