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Phaedra Parks Fired from The Real Housewives of Atlanta [NEWS]

Phaedra Parks reportedly fired from the Real Housewives of Atlanta on Bravo TV Photo courtesy of Bravo TV Phaedra Parks reportedly fired from the Real Housewives of Atlanta on Bravo TV

Did Phaedra Parks Get A Raw Deal With Firing From RHOA?

By now, the news that Phaedra Parks was officially fired from the Real Housewives of Atlanta, for violating a morals clause.

Whether you like Phaedra Parks or hate her, many have lots of questions about her firing from the RHOA on Bravo TV:

  • Is Phaedra Parks really fired from the Real Housewives of Atlanta or is this just drama for a set-up for something else?
  • Was Andy Cohen in on this rumor?
  • Are these so-called reality shows fake like wrestling and we the viewers are being taken in by all the drama?