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Mark Jaffe and Greater New York Chamber of Commerce Celebrate Black History Month

What's The 411TV host, Glenn Gilliam, interviewing Mark Jaffe, President and CEO, Greater New York Chamber of Commerce Photo Credit: Alexis Williams/What's The 411 Networks What's The 411TV host, Glenn Gilliam, interviewing Mark Jaffe, President and CEO, Greater New York Chamber of Commerce

Each February the braintrust at HealthFirst, a leading free and low-cost health insurance provider, brings together great corporate partners and civic leaders to celebrate Black History Month.

As the highlight of the proceedings, industry leaders of business, entertainment, civics, medicine, and trailblazers of every type and walk of life are honored by the legendary news anchor, Bill McCreary with the Living Legends Awards.

The Greater New York Chamber of Commerce is a perennial partner with HealthFirst and works with over 20,000 businesses and civic leaders from its Midtown NYC headquarters.

The Greater New York Chamber of Commerce CEO Mark Jaffe was a co-host with Bill McCreary along with award-winning journalist for NY 1 News and acclaimed author, Cheryl Wills.

Mark Jaffe is a public health advocate and sits on several health boards and councils because having a healthy society is good for business.

Check out my interview with Mark Jaffe


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