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Melba Moore Receives a Living Legend Award at Black History Month Celebration

Tony Award-winning and Grammy-nominated actress/singer, Melba Moore, singing before receiving her Living Legend Award at the HealthFirst Black History Month celebration Photo Credit: Alexis Williams/What's The 411 Networks Tony Award-winning and Grammy-nominated actress/singer, Melba Moore, singing before receiving her Living Legend Award at the HealthFirst Black History Month celebration

Tony Award-winning and Grammy-nominated actress/singer Melba Moore was deemed a Living Legend at HealthFirst's annual Black History Month celebration.

A humble soul, Melba Moore told What's The 411TV host, Glenn Gilliam, "I am glad that I chose to be an entertainer and a community servant."

Glenn acknowledged that Melba Moore has received many awards and accolades throughout her lifetime, and wondered if receiving a Living Legend award gave her goose-bumps.

Melba Moore responded, "Not goose-bumps...I'm a Christian and it's our mission to be useful and to serve and they're letting me know that I am of some use. It's very, very important."

Melba Moore is looking forward to performing in the New York area. So Melba Moore fans, here is your opportunity. In June, she will be performing in McDonald's Gospel Fest with all the "women of worship" and at the Metropolitan Room in June.

Wondering, like Glenn Gilliam, if Melba Moore is still based in New York? She didn't waste any time answering the question.

"I'm still based in New York," she responded. "I was born here and you can't put me out!"

Check out the video interview with Melba Moore.

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