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Geoffrey Davis Ecstatic About Opening of Barclays Center

VIDEO: Community activist, Geoffrey Davis, an early supporter of the Barclays Center's development delighted to finally see the arena open

On the Opening of the Barclays Center, Geoffrey A. Davis, President and Founder, James E. Davis Stop The Violence Foundation, told What's The 411's Barbara Bullard, "This is amazing, this is amazing, Brooklyn Nets, we're here to support our home team, we're going all the way, tonight it's Jay Z, a Brooklyn legend, we're supporting Jay Z all the way,....Brooklyn, Barclays Center Number one."

Davis further elaborated about the arena's impact on the community, "Oh, it's going to bring jobs, it has brought jobs, its bringing jobs, it's bringing excitement; look at all the people, it's bringing a whole different aura, which is Brooklyn, it's putting Brooklyn back on the map where it belongs, Brooklyn number one."

Last modified onSaturday, 18 March 2017 17:55