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AUTHOR SIGHTING with a COMEDY Theme: Brian Robinson

Brian Robinson, author of How to Meet Women in the Subway, with his new book on the Q Train platform at 34th Street in New York City Photo Credit: Brian Robinson Brian Robinson, author of How to Meet Women in the Subway, with his new book on the Q Train platform at 34th Street in New York City

How to Meet Women on the Subway

by Brian Robinson


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Man on subway reading How to Meet Women on the Subway by Brian Robinson.

First Sighting: Toastmasters 2009 Annual Conference

As a former member of Toastmasters, I can recall being in the audience among hundreds of people who howled with laughter when then-single and footloose Brian Robinson took center stage at the Toastmasters Annual Conference in 2009, competing in the Humorous Contest. Robinson's tale of woe and disaster about how he tried to meet women on the New York City subway was, well, hilarious. And, I recall that when all the votes were tallied, he went on to win the Contest that year.

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Brian Robinson (center), author of How to Meet Women on the Subway, at his book launch at Bowlmor Lanes in Manhattan

Next Sighting: @ Bowlmor Lanes, Mid-town Manhattan

3-women-smiling Brian-Robinson How-to-Meet-Women-on-the-Subway website

Now, five years later, Brian Robinson is partying at Bowlmor Lanes, the fun-loving way he chose to launch his book How to Meet Women on the Subway (2014). Yes, the book is about the author's woeful yet laugh-til-you-holler encounters with women on the subway. Robinson, now married, did not meet his lovely bride Angie on the subway. That doesn't mean, however, that he didn't learn the best strategies for meeting women. Indeed, he met hundreds of women that way, according to his book. To find out which of those excellent strategies for meeting women he used when it came time for him to marry that special someone, I guess you'll need to read his book (or ask Angie)!


 My Favorite Author Quips & Snippets

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What's The 411TV Book Editor, Luvon Roberson, with Brian Robinson, author of How to Meet Women on the Subway, at book launch at Bowlmor Lanes in Manhattan. Photo: Luvon Roberson

Quips from Brian Robinson, author of How to Meet Women on the Subway.

"The NYC subway has over 600 miles of track and 468 stations. It's open 24 hours every single day of the year; it's cheap at only $5 a day. And, unlike dating sites – you can meet women in-person!"

"With millions of women on the subway every day, where's a better place to meet them than underground – under the streets of New York City?"

"Hey, you can multi-task on the subway: Meet women and get work done on your laptop!"

For these & other quips visit:

BIO: Brian Robinson

There were three experiences that changed Brian's life: Selling encyclopedias door-to door in college; working for The Doe Fund, a non-profit dedicated to assisting formerly homeless men get back to work; and discovering at age 43 that he had attention deficit disorder (ADD).

These life-changing experiences taught Brian powerful lessons about persistence, hope, and humor -- themes that you will frequently hear in his workshops and keynotes.

Brian is an active member of The Temple of Restoration, Toastmasters International, and he lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Angie. The professional speaker and motivator is currently writing his second book, Get Back Up!