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Dionne Williams Creates a Platform for Emerging Fashion Designers

Dionne Williams (left), founder of EMERGE! A Fashion Runway Show, talking with What's The 411TV correspondent Barbara Bullard Photo Credit: Alexis Williams/What's The 411 Networks Dionne Williams (left), founder of EMERGE! A Fashion Runway Show, talking with What's The 411TV correspondent Barbara Bullard

EMERGE! A Fashion Runway Show is produced by Dionne Williams, Owner, D. Williams Public Relations Group.

The EMERGE! A Fashion Runway Show has become one of the top emerging designer platforms during New York Fashion Week and has been consistent in providing a national outlet for emerging designers to showcase their work.

Dionne Williams spoke to What's The 411's Barbara Bullard about the genesis of EMERGE!, the fact that the show is only two years old and that the designers come from all over the world.

Aaron Handy and Iran "Bang" Paylor were production designers for the show.